Put C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Professional Common7 IDE in the path of your computer. Then open a new command prompt. Change the directory to your project folder. To open the project in visual studio from the command prompt. That opens the project up in folder view.
- Part 3 - Programming Command Line Arguments - Visual Studio 2015
- C# - Build Visual Studio Project Through The Command Line ...
I am trying to run a batch file from x86x64 cross tools command prompt here is my batch file content: call 'x86x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019.lnk' cd C: MyCode cmd /c nmake debug=0. At first its switching to 'x86x64 cross tools command prompt' successfull, but while running next command switching back to normal cmd prompt. As far as I know, the command to license Visual Studio is simple, just like you shared above, and I think the “CDKEY”(AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE) and “09260”(MPC) are correct, so I may suggest you to check the path of the StorePID.exe, for example, change to Enterprise instead of Professional when you try to license VS 2019 Enterprise. Visual-studio command-line visual-studio-2010. Improve this question. Follow edited May 5 '10 at 17:10. Asked May 5 '10 at 16:15. These Visual Studio code hotkeys are useful for removing the syntax of the comment from the prevailing line or currently marked lines of code. For example, if you are using the code editor and you want to remove the already written syntax of comments then Ctrl-K comes under the text manipulation Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts.
Computer extension command, use command line release extension - Visual Studio (Windows) | Microsoft Docs
tags: Computer extension command
Exercise: Publish Visual Studio expansion by command line
This drill demonstrates how to use the command line to publish the Visual Studio extension to Visual Studio Marketplace. After adding an extension to Marketplace, developers can browse new and updated extensions using the Extension and Update dialog box.
Vsixpublisher.exe is a command line tool that publishes the Visual Studio extension to Marketplace. It can be accessed from $ {vsinstalldir} vssdk VisualstudioIntegration Tools BIN VSIXPUBLISHER.EXE. The commands available on this tool include: publishing, CreatePublisher, deletePublisher, deleteextension, login, logout.
Publish the extension to MarketPlace. Extensions can be vsix, exe / msi files, or links. If there is extension with the same version, it will overwrite the extension. If the extension does not exist, a new extension will be created.
Command option
Load (required)
The path to the payload to be published or used as a link to the Details URL.
Publishmanifest (required)
The path to the published manifest file to be used.
A list of warns to ignore when publishing an extension. These warnings are displayed as command line messages when expanding. (For example, 'vsixvalidatorWarning01, vsixvalidatorWarning02')
A personal access token for authenticating the publisher (PAT). If not provided, PAT will be obtained from the logged in user.
VsixPublisher.exe publish -payload '{path to vsix}' -publishManifest '{path to vs-publish.json}' -ignoreWarnings 'VSIXValidatorWarning01,VSIXValidatorWarning02'
Create a publisher on Marketplace. The publishing server will also be recorded in the computer to perform an operation (for example, delete / release extension).
Command option
DisplayName (required)
The display name of the publish server.
Publishername (required)
The name of the publish server (for example, an identifier).
PersonaCCCESSTOKEN (required)
A personal access token for authenticating the publishing server.
A brief description of the publish server (not) file.
Detailed description of the publish server (not a file).
VsixPublisher.exe createPublisher -publisherName '{Publisher Name}' -displayName '{Publisher Display Name}' -personalAccessToken '{Personal Access Token}'
Delete the publishing server on MarketPlace.
Command option
Publishername (required)
The name of the publish server (for example, an identifier).
PersonaCCCESSTOKEN (required)
A personal access token for authenticating the publishing server.
VsixPublisher.exe deletePublisher -publisherName '{Publisher Name}' -personalAccessToken '{Personal Access Token}'
Remove extensions from MarketPlace.
Command option
ExtensionName (required)
The name of the extension to be deleted.
Publishername (required)
The name of the publish server (for example, an identifier).
A personal access token for authenticating the publishing server. If not provided, PAT will be obtained from the logged in user.
VsixPublisher.exe deleteExtension -extensionName '{Extension Name}' -publisherName '{Publisher Name}'
Record the publisher to your computer.
Command option
A personal access token for authenticating the publishing server.
Publishername (required)
The name of the publish server (for example, an identifier).
Specifies to override any existing publishing servers using the new personal access token.
VsixPublisher.exe login -personalAccessToken '{Personal Access Token}' -publisherName '{Publisher Name}'
Record the publisher outside the computer.
Command option
Publishername (required)
The name of the publish server (for example, an identifier).
If the specified publisher is not logged in, specify that the tool will not be wrong.
VsixPublisher.exe logout -publisherName '{Publisher Name}'
Publishmanifest file
The 'Publish' command uses the publishmanifest file. It indicates that MarketPlace needs to be understood about all metadata of the extended. If the extended extension is from the vsix extension, the 'Identity' property can only be set to 'internalname'. This is because you can generate the rest of the 'ID' property from the Source.extension.vsixManifest file. If the extension is MSI / EXE or link extension, the user must provide the required field in the 'Identity' property. The rest of the list contains MarketPlace (information, such as categories, Q &, etc.).
VSIX Extension PublishManifest file example:
'$schema': 'http://json.schemastore.org/vsix-publish',
'categories': [ 'build', 'coding' ], // The categories of the extension. Between 1 and 3 categories are required.
'identity': {
'internalName': 'MyVsixExtension' // If not specified, we try to generate the name from the display name of the extension in the vsixmanifest file.
// Required if the display name is not the actual name of the extension.
'overview': 'overview.md', // Path to the 'readme' file that gets uploaded to the Marketplace. Required.
'priceCategory': 'free', // Either 'free', 'trial', or 'paid'. Defaults to 'free'.
'publisher': 'MyPublisherName', // The name of the publisher. Required.
'private': false, // Specifies whether or not the extension should be public when uploaded. Defaults to false.
'qna': true, // Specifies whether or not the extension should have a Q&A section. Defaults to true.
'repo': 'https://github.com/MyPublisherName/MyVsixExtension' // Not required.
'$schema': 'http://json.schemastore.org/vsix-publish',
'categories': [ 'build', 'coding' ],
'identity': {
'description': 'My extension.', // The description of the extension. Required for non-vsix extensions.
'displayName': 'My Extension', // The display name of the extension. Required for non-vsix extensions.
'icon': 'pathtoicon.ico', // The path to an icon file (can be relative to the json file location). Required for non-vsix extensions.
'installTargets': [ // The installation targets for the extension. Required for non-vsix extensions.
'sku': 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community',
'version': '[10.0, 16.0)'
'internalName': 'MyExtension',
'language': 'en-US', // The default language id of the extension. Can be in the '1033' or 'en-US' format. Required for non-vsix extensions.
'tags': [ 'tag1', 'tag2' ], // The tags for the extension. Not required.
'version': '3.7.0', // The version of the extension. Required for non-vsix extensions.
'vsixId': 'MyExtension', // The vsix id of the extension. Not required but useful for showing updates to installed extensions.
'overview': 'overview.md',
'priceCategory': 'free',
'publisher': 'MyPublisherName',
'private': false,
'qna': true,
'repo': 'https://github.com/MyPublisherName/MyVsixExtension'
Asset file
An asset file can be provided to embed images in the readme file. For example, if the extension has the following 'overview' MARKDOWN document:
This is test extension.
![Test logo](images/testlogo.png 'Test logo')
In order to solve 'ImageS / TestLogo.png' in the previous example, users can provide 'AssetFiles' in their publishing list, as shown below:
'assetFiles': [
'pathOnDisk': 'pathtologo.png',
'targetPath': 'images/logo.png'
// other required fields
Release drill
To follow the steps of this exercise, Visual Studio SDK must be installed. For more information, see Installing Visual Studio SDK.
Create a Visual Studio extension
In this case, we will use the default vSPackage extension, but the same steps are valid for each type of extension.
Create a VSPackage called 'TestPublish' in C #, which contains a menu command. For more information, see Creating the first extension: Hello World.
Package extension
The extended source.extension.vsixManifest is updated to the correct information about the product name, author, and version.
Build an extension in the release mode. Now, your extension will package a VSIX in the bin release folder.
You can double-click VSIX to verify the installation.
Test expansion
Before distributing extensions, generate and test the extension to ensure that it is properly installed in the experimental example of Visual Studio.
In Visual Studio, start debugging. Open the experiment example of Visual Studio.
In an experimental example, click the Tools menu, then click Extensions and Update .... TestPublish extensions should appear in the central pane and enable.
On the Tools menu, make sure you see the 'Test' command.
Publish the extension to Marketplace through the command line
Make sure that the extension release is generated, and this version is the latest version.
Make sure you have created a PublishManifest.js and an Overview.md file.
Open the command line and navigate to $ {vsinstalldir} vssdk VisualstudioIntegration Tools bin directory.
To create a new publisher, use the following command:
VsixPublisher.exe createPublisher -publisherName 'TestVSIXPublisher' -displayName 'Test VSIX Publisher' -personalAccessToken '{Personal Access Token that is used to authenticate the publisher. If not provided, the pat is acquired from the logged-in users.}'
After successfully created a publishing server, the following command line message is displayed:
Added 'Test VSIX Publisher' as a publisher on the Marketplace.
To post a new extension, use the following command:
VsixPublisher.exe publish -payload '{Path to vsix file}' -publishManifest '{path to publishManifest file}'
After successfully created a publishing server, the following command line message is displayed:
Uploaded 'MyVsixExtension' to the Marketplace.
Install extension from Visual Studio Marketplace
After the extension has been released, install in Visual Studio and test it in it.
On the Tools menu of Visual Studio, click Extensions and Updates ... '.
Click Online, then search 'TestPublish'.
Click Download. Then, the schedule will be installed.
To complete the installation, close all instances of Visual Studio.
Delete extension
This extension can be removed from Visual Studio Marketplace and your computer.
Remove the extension from MarketPlace by command line
If you want to delete an extension, use the following command:
VsixPublisher.exe deleteExtension -publisherName 'TestVSIXPublisher' -extensionName 'MyVsixExtension'
After successfully delete the extension, you will see the following command line message:
Removed 'MyVsixExtension' from the Marketplace.
Remove extensions from your computer
On the Tools menu of Visual Studio, click Extensions and Updates.
Select 'MyVsixExtension' and click Uninstall. Then, this extension will be planned for the uninstallation.
To complete uninstall, close all instances of Visual Studio.
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Visual Studio Code has a powerful command line interface built-in that lets you control how you launch the editor. You can open files, install extensions, change the display language, and output diagnostics through command-line options (switches).
If you are looking for how to run command-line tools inside VS Code, see the Integrated Terminal.
Command line help
To get an overview of the VS Code command line interface, open a terminal or command prompt and type code --help
. You will see the version, usage example, and list of command line options.
Launching from command line
You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. To do this, from an open terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project folder and type code .
Note: Users on macOS must first run a command (Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH) to add VS Code executable to the PATH
environment variable. Read the macOS setup guide for help.
Windows and Linux installations should add the VS Code binaries location to your system path. If this isn't the case, you can manually add the location to the Path
environment variable ($PATH
on Linux). For example, on Windows, VS Code is installed under AppDataLocalProgramsMicrosoft VS Codebin
. To review platform specific setup instructions, see Setup.
Insiders: If you are using the VS Code Insiders preview, you launch your Insiders build with code-insiders
Core CLI options
Here are optional arguments you can use when starting VS Code at the command line via code
Argument | Description |
-h or --help | Print usage |
-v or --version | Print VS Code version (for example, 1.22.2), GitHub commit id, and architecture (for example, x64). |
-n or --new-window | Opens a new session of VS Code instead of restoring the previous session (default). |
-r or --reuse-window | Forces opening a file or folder in the last active window. |
-g or --goto | When used with file:line[:character], opens a file at a specific line and optional character position. This argument is provided since some operating systems permit : in a file name. |
-d or --diff | Open a file difference editor. Requires two file paths as arguments. |
-w or --wait | Wait for the files to be closed before returning. |
--locale <locale> | Set the display language (locale) for the VS Code session. (for example, en-US or zh-TW ) |
Opening Files and Folders
Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified file does not exist, VS Code will create them for you along with any new intermediate folders:
For both files and folders, you can use absolute or relative paths. Relative paths are relative to the current directory of the command prompt where you run code
If you specify more than one file at the command line, VS Code will open only a single instance.
If you specify more than one folder at the command line, VS Code will create a Multi-root Workspace including each folder.
Part 3 - Programming Command Line Arguments - Visual Studio 2015
Argument | Description |
file | Name of a file to open. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created and marked as edited. You can specify multiple files by separating each file name with a space. |
file:line[:character] | Used with the -g argument. Name of a file to open at the specified line and optional character position. You can specify multiple files in this manner, but you must use the -g argument (once) before using the file:line[:character] specifier. |
folder | Name of a folder to open. You can specify multiple folders and a new Multi-root Workspace is created. |
Working with extensions
You can install and manage VS Code extensions from the command line.
Argument | Description |
--install-extension <ext> | Install an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument. Use --force argument to avoid prompts. |
--uninstall-extension <ext> | Uninstall an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument. |
--disable-extensions | Disable all installed extensions. Extensions will still be visible in the Disabled section of the Extensions view but they will never be activated. |
--list-extensions | List the installed extensions. |
--show-versions | Show versions of installed extensions, when using --list-extensions |
--enable-proposed-api <ext> | Enables proposed api features for an extension. Provide the full extension name publisher.extension as an argument. |
Advanced CLI options
There are several CLI options that help with reproducing errors and advanced setup.
Argument | Description |
--extensions-dir <dir> | Set the root path for extensions. Has no effect in Portable Mode. |
--user-data-dir <dir> | Specifies the directory that user data is kept in, useful when running as root. Has no effect in Portable Mode. |
-s, --status | Print process usage and diagnostics information. |
-p, --performance | Start with the Developer: Startup Performance command enabled. |
--disable-gpu | Disable GPU hardware acceleration. |
--verbose | Print verbose output (implies --wait ). |
--prof-startup | Run CPU profiler during startup. |
--upload-logs | Uploads logs from current session to a secure endpoint. |
Multi-root | |
--add <dir> | Add folder(s) to the last active window for a multi-root workspace. |
Opening VS Code with URLs
You can also open projects and files using the platform's URL handling mechanism. Use the following URL formats to:
Open a project
Open a file
Open a file to line and column
You can use the URL in applications such as browsers or file explorers that can parse and redirect the URL. For example, on Windows, you could pass a vscode://
URL directly to the Windows Explorer or to the command line as start vscode://{full path to file}
Note: If you are using VS Code Insiders builds, the URL prefix is vscode-insiders://
Next steps
Read on to find out about:
- Integrated Terminal - Run command-line tools from inside VS Code.
- Basic Editing - Learn the basics of the VS Code editor.
- Code Navigation - VS Code lets you quickly understand and move through your source code.
Common questions
'code' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Your OS cannot find the VS Code binary code
on its path. The VS Code Windows and Linux installations should have installed VS Code on your path. Try uninstalling and reinstalling VS Code. If code
is still not found, consult the platform specific setup topics for Windows and Linux.
On macOS, you need to manually run the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command (available through the Command Palette⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)). Consult the macOS specific setup topic for details.
C# - Build Visual Studio Project Through The Command Line ...
How do I get access to a command line (terminal) from within VS Code?
VS Code has an Integrated Terminal where you can run command-line tools from within VS Code.
Can I specify the settings location for VS Code in order to have a portable version?
Not directly through the command line, but VS Code has a Portable Mode which lets you keep settings and data in the same location as your installation, for example, on a USB drive.