posted 08-28-12 09:25 AM ET (US)
Age Of Empires 1997
Age Of Empires 1997 Emulator Online
Since many people seem to have trouble with saved games that crash because of the missile/projectile bug, I have created this sticky so people can easily find the 1.0b patch needed to solve this problem. If you have the AoE 1.0c or RoR 1.0a patch installed, or playing using the Collectors Edition of the game, you might expierence crashes when loading a saved game when playing certain scenario's or campaigns. This can be frustrating for scenario designers who use Missile objects in their works for example, made available through the Enhanced/Composite Editor (.dat files). If this is the case, please downgrade to these earlier versions of the game, in order to load a saved game like normal and continue without crashes or bugs. Keep in mind that this patch 'downgrades' your version of AoE/RoR, and should mainly be used for Single Player.
The 1.0b Patch: 1.0b patch Important: When installing make sure to double check the directory path. This patch installs the following versions of Age of Empires/The Rise of Rome Expansion: - AoE 1.0b - RoR 1.0
The 1.0c patches can be found here, in multiple languages. If you have questions regarding the 1.0b patch, or the other patches, please ask them here, don't start a new topic unless you have a good reason. - PhatFish
Age Of Empires 1997 Emulator Download
Download Age of Empires III 1.1 for Windows for free, without any viruses, from Uptodown. Try the latest version of Age of Empires 2007 for Windows. PC Windows 32-bit. Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe. PC Windows 32-bit.